

①About Simple Hot Springs


Gentle spring water suitable for everyone For relaxation and beautiful skin

A hot spring is classified as "simple hot spring" if the amount of dissolved substances (excluding gaseous substances) in 1 kg of hot spring water is less than 1,000 mg, and the temperature of the spring at the time of discharge is 25°C or higher. Of these, those with a pH of 7.5 or higher are called "weak alkaline simple hot springs" and those with a pH of 8.5 or higher are called "alkaline simple hot springs". Because the components of "simple hot springs" are not so concentrated, they cause little irritation to the skin and are suitable for rehabilitation and rest after surgical operations such as strokes, and are therefore also called "hot spring for strokes", "hot spring for gout", and "hot spring for neuralgia". It is also called "hot spring for family" because it is safe for babies and people with delicate skin to bathe-in and is less prone to "hot spring for rash". In particular, simple hot spring water with a pH of 7.5 or higher is called "hot spring for beauty" because it removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin smooth and silky after bathing. In addition, the indications for each type of hot spring include autonomic instability, insomnia, depression, etc., indicating that this type of hot spring is effective for mental health. "Simple hot springs" are characterized by their unique qualities due to the various components dissolved at each spa resort. This type of hot spring is often referred to as "Meitou (famous hot spring)" in Japan.

泉質別適応症 浴用 自律神経不安定症、不眠症、うつ状態
飲用 なし
泉質別禁忌症 浴用 なし
飲用 なし
  • ■旧泉質名・・・単純温泉(新泉質名と同じ)
  • ■湯の色・・・無色透明
  • ■味・香り・・・基本、無味無臭だが、溶存物質により味も香りも変化する。
  • ■湯ざわり・・・溶存物質により、つるつる感、しっとり感など。アルカリ性が強い場合、トロミを感じる。
  • ■主な温泉施設・・・北海道・小樽朝里川温泉「おたる宏楽園」/群馬県・谷川温泉「水上山荘」/長野県・上諏訪温泉「上諏訪しんゆ」/新潟県・弥彦温泉「お宿だいろく」/大分県・由布院温泉「草庵秋桜」/熊本県・植木温泉「悠然」













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2-5-2, Motoyokoyama-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo-to, 192-0063, JAPAN