

⑨About Sulphur springs


Hot spring of beauty for prevention of blemishes  Hot spring for lifestyle-related diseases

A "sulphur spring" is one that contains more than 2 mg of total sulphur in 1 kg of hot spring water. The sulphur springs are classified into two types: the sulphur type, which is composed mainly of hydrogen sulphide and thiosulphate ions, and the hydrogen sulphide type, which is composed mainly of free hydrogen sulphide. The pH value tends to be neutral to alkaline in the case of the " sulphur type," and acidic in the case of the " hydrogen sulphide type. In the case of the sulphur type, the color of the hot water may be colorless and transparent or emerald green. In many cases, the color of the "hydrogen sulphide type" water is cloudy. It is called "Hot spring for skin diseases" because of its high sterilizing effect, which is effective against all kinds of skin surface problems. In fact, the indications for bathing that are unique to sulphur springs are atopic dermatitis, psoriasis vulgaris, chronic eczema, and epidermal pyogenic disease. The "hydrogen sulphide type" adds to the peripheral circulatory disturbance. It is also called "Hot spring for blemish prevention" because it suppresses the production of melanin, the substance that causes blemishes, and can be expected to have a whitening effect as well, making it a representative example of "Hot spring for beauty”. Hydrogen sulphide types are sometimes referred to as "Hot springs for phlegm" because of their ability torelieve asthma and to improve the sharpness of phlegm. One thingto keep in mind is that metal items such as rings and necklaces must be removedwhen bathing, as they can be discolored by the sulphuric components.

泉質別適応症 浴用 アトピー性皮膚炎、尋常性乾癬、慢性湿疹、表皮化膿症(硫化水素型については、末梢循環障害を加える)
飲用 耐糖能異常(糖尿病)、高コレステロール血症
泉質別禁忌症 浴用 皮膚又は粘膜の過敏な人、高齢者の皮膚乾燥症 ※酸性泉と同じ
飲用 なし
  • ■旧泉質名・・・硫黄泉(硫黄型の硫黄泉)/硫化水素泉(硫化水素型の硫黄泉)
  • ■湯の色・・・「硫黄型」無色透明~エメラルドグリーン  「硫化水素型」乳白色
  • ■味・香り・・・「硫黄型」苦味・硫黄臭  「硫化水素型」苦味と酸味・ゆで玉子が腐ったような臭い
  • ■湯ざわり・・・
  • ■主な温泉施設・・・













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2-5-2, Motoyokoyama-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo-to, 192-0063, JAPAN