Explanations by Spring Quality

This page introduces General Indications and Contraindications, also Indications and Contraindications for each Spring Quality.

⑦Acidic springs


“Hot springs for skin diseases” with excellent bactericidal power

Hot springs with 1 mg or more of hydrogen ions (H+) in 1 kg of hot spring water.
In many cases, it contains free hydrogen sulfide (H2S)and is highly acidic.
It is called “Hot springs for skin diseases” because it has very high bactericidal power and removes a wide range of causes of problems on the surface of the skin.
The “Acidic springs” have a strong bactericidal effect and inhibit bacteria and viruses on the skin. Therefore, it is effective in the treatment of Atopic dermatitis, Plaque psoriasis and Epidermal suppuration, which are associated with skin infections and inflammation. It is particularly good for bactericidal activity against aureus in atopic dermatitis. In fact, in patients with atopic dermatitis, many harmful bacteria called staphylococcus aureus are present at the site of inflammation. Staphylococcus aureus is inhibited from reproducing in an acidic environment and tends to increase in a neutral to alkaline environment. In healthy skin, the skin surface is weakly acidic, whereas atopic skin tends to have a weak tendency to return to a weakly acidic state. Thus, atopic dermatitis is likely to be improved by hot spring therapy, and “Acidic springs” seem to be particularly effective. “Acidic springs” are also said to be effective against athlete's foot, ringworm (tinea capitis), trichomonas vaginalis, and skin infections caused by mites (scabies). Thus, hot spring therapy is likely to improve atopic dermatitis, with acidic springs being particularly effective.
Also, the promotion of blood circulation and the activation of metabolism by bathing in “Acidic springs” can improve sugar metabolism and help insulin to work, so it is effective against Impaired glucose tolerance (diabetes).
Note that, “Acidic springs” are not suitable for people with sensitive skin, as it is highly irritating, and they are also easy to get hot spring fatigue. For this reason, long bathing should be avoided. It is also recommended to take a shower after bathing to rinse off the hot spring water.
Contraindications for bathing by spring quality include Hypersensitive skin or mucous membranes, and Dry skin in the elderly (*Same as Sulfur springs). Because it can be too irritating and damage the skin's barrier.
Because of its strong bactericidal properties, there are no indications for drinking it. The reason is that there is a risk of stomach irritation. Before the revision of the “Guideline to the Mineral Spring Analysis Methods”, the indication for drinking was “Chronic gastrointestinal disease”, but if you want to drink, it would be safer to dilute it with water first.
The combination of “Acidic springs” (Hot springs for bactericidal purposes) and “Sulfur springs/Hydrogen sulfide type” (Hot springs for beautiful skin) are often seen in famous hot springs. However, please keep in mind that the stronger the efficacy, the greater the burden on your skin.

Indications by Spring Quality For bathing Atopic dermatitis, Plaque psoriasis, Impaired glucose tolerance (diabetes), Epidermal suppuration
For drinking None
Contraindications by Spring Quality For bathing Hypersensitive skin or mucous membranes, Dry skin in the elderly ※Same as Sulfur springs
For drinking None
  • ■Old name of spring・・・Acidic springs (same as new spring name)
  • ■Color of water・・・Cloudy white / Gray
  • ■Taste & Smell・・・Acidity, irritant smell (hydrogen sulfide smell when mixed with sulfur spring)
  • ■Water texture・・・Tingling feeling while bathing
  • ■Major hot spring inns・・・"Hana-Kanzashi" Dake Onsen, Fukushima prefecture/"Oku Shiobara Kogen Hotel" Arayu Onsen, Tochigi prefecture/"Manza Prince Hotel" Manza Onsen, Gunma prefecture/"Unzen Fukudaya" Unzen Onsen, Nagasaki prefecture

General Indications

※Indications for all spring quality

For bathing

Chronic pain or stiffness of muscles or joints (chronic phase of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains, etc.), muscle stiffness by motor paralysis, sensitivity to cold, peripheral circulatory disturbance, gastrointestinal hypofunction (slow digestion, intestinal gas formation, etc.), mild hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance (diabetes), mild hypercholesterolemia, mild asthma or emphysema, pains of hemorrhoidals, autonomic instability, various symptoms from stress (sleep disorders, depression, etc.), restorative phase from illness, recovery from fatigue, health promotions

For drinking

※There is no general indications for drinking.

General Contraindications

※Contraindications for all spring quality

For bathing

Active stage of diseases (especially when fever is accompanied), active tuberculosis, advanced malignant tumor, or the case of significant debility involving severe anemia, severe cardiac or lung diseases involving suffocation feelings with a little movement, severe kidney disease involving edema, gastrointestinal bleeding, when there is visible bleeding, acute exacerbation stage of chronic diseases, etc.

For drinking

※There is no general contraindications for drinking.

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