Yamaai-no-Yado KIYASUYA
A hot spring ryokan with open-air baths in all rooms that blend in with the great nature of Kokonoe

Yamaai-no-Yado KIYASUYA

山あいの宿 喜安屋 日本語ページ

  Sodium-Chloride Springs


(低張性 中性 高温泉)
(Hypotonic, Neutral, High temperature Springs)

Ideal for people like this

  • Who have cold sensitivity
  • Who have skin problems such as scars
  • Who have dry skin
  • Who are feeling stressed
527 Onsen, Kokonoe-machi Sujiyu, Kusu-gun, Oita Prefecture 879-4912, JAPAN

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Travel Journal

Hot Spring Power Chart (5-point scale)

Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH)

Hydrogen Ion Concentration (pH)
Hot spring that keeps you warm longer

Hot spring Specification

※This is an easy-to-understand expression based on the indications for each type of spring in the "Standard Methods of Analysis for Mineral Springs" revised in July 2014 by the Ministry of the Environment.

①Mental recovery ②Insomnia ③Promote blood circulation ④Sensitivity to cold ⑤Dry skin
⑥Cuts ⑦Skin diseases ⑧Hypertension (mild) ⑨Heartburn (drinking) ⑩Gastrointestinal disorders (drinking)
⑪Constipation (drinking) ⑫Lifestyle-related disease ⑬Diabetes ⑭Gout ⑮Countermeasures against metabolic syndrome
⑯Biliary system anxiety ⑰Anaemia ⑱Arthritis rheumatica ⑲Spinal pain ⑳Improved immunity
㉑Muscle pain・Neuralgia ㉒Mild asthma ㉓Hemorrhoidal pain ㉔Recovery from an illness ㉕Recovery from fatigue
  • ※Note①・・・Indications for each spring include autonomic instability and depression.(Simple springs・Chloride springs・Carbon dioxide springs
  • ※Note③・・・Indications for each spring include peripheral circulatory disturbance(Chloride springs・Carbonate springs・Carbon dioxide springs・Hydrogen sulfide type sulphur spring
  • ※Note④・・・Indications for each spring include sensitivity to cold(Chloride springs・Carbonate springs・Sulfur springs・Carbon dioxide springs)and Iron containing springs
  • ※Note⑦・・・Indications for each spring include xeroderma, atopic dermatitis, plaque psoriasis, epidermoid suppuration, chronic eczema(Chloride springs・Carbonate springs・Sulfate spring・Acid springs・Sulfur springs
  • ※Note⑨・・・Indications for drinking each spring include reflux esophagitis(Carbonate springs
  • ※Note⑩・・・Indications for drinking each spring include atrophic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcerations(Chloride springs・Carbonate springs
  • ※Note⑪・・・For drinking, Chloride springs and Sulfate spring
  • ※Note⑫・・・Indications for each spring include hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, gout(for bathing, Acid springsRadioactive springs/for drinking, Carbonate springs・Iodine containing springs・Sulfur springs
  • ※Note⑮・・・Indications for drinking each spring include hypercholesterolemia(Sulfate spring・Iodine containing springs・Sulfur springs
  • ※Note⑱⑲・・・Indications for each spring include rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis(Radioactive springs
  • ※Note⑳・・・Radioactive springs
Applicable to indications by spring quality Applicable to general indications

7 Elements of Hot Springs for Beautiful Skin

Total3Points ※The number of points represents the quality of the "hot spring for beauty".

Skin cleansing effect Skin reviving effect Skin whitening effect
Carbonate Springs Sulfate Springs Sulfur Springs
Skin smoothing effect Skin Coating and moisturizing effect Skin moisturizing effect Cleaning Effects
(Weak) Alkaline Springs Chloride Springs Metasilicic acid(over 100mg/kg) Metaboric acid(over 10mg/kg)
  • ※The "Four Best Beauty Springs" are said to be "Carbonate spring", "Sulfate spring", "Sulfur spring", and "(Weak) Alkaline simple hot spring".
  • ※The "Chloride spring" coats the skin with a salt pack, keeping it warm and moisturized at the same time. It is also called "hot spring for finishing touch" to be taken after the "hot spring for beauty" in which exfoliation has been removed.
  • ※Hot springs containing 100 mg/kg or more of metasilicicic acid have an excellent moisturizing effect and is said to be "hot spring for beauty".
  • ※Hot springs containing 10 mg/kg or more of metaboric acid have a cleansing effect, is used in some eye drops, and is said to be effective in treating acne.

Water texture while bathing(5-point evaluation)

Water texture while bathing

Smoothly Water texture while bathing Water texture while bathing Water texture while bathing Mushy Water texture while bathing
Powdery Water texture while bathing Chewy Water texture while bathing Water texture while bathing Water texture while bathing Water texture while bathing
Fizzy Tingling
Bath nameGuestroom Open-air Baths

Skin feeling after bathing(5-point evaluation)

Skin feeling after bathing

Silky Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Dryness
Powdery Skin feeling after bathing Sticky Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing
Moistly Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Warmly Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing Skin feeling after bathing
Bath nameGuestroom Open-air Baths

View from the open-air bath (5-point evaluation)

View from the open-air bath

ViewView Surrounded by forested trees
BathBath Public Open-air Bath
View from the open-air bath View from the open-air bath View from the open-air bath Point 3

Hot Spring Source Usage

Water added
Disin fected
Bath additive
※During high temperature summer months, water is sometimes added (using spring or well water).
During low temperature winter months, water is sometimes heated.
of hot spring source
Replacement frequency of hot spring water Everyday
of hot spring water
Hot water supplied by Sujiyu Onsen Supply Co.
Distance from the source
to the bathtub
Several kilometers
How hot spring water is drawn Drawn by a pipe
How water temperature is adjusted Adjust the volume of hot water poured into the bathtub
Drinking Spring None
"Gensen-Kakenagashi" Bath Guest rooms with Open-air Bath x 10, Private Open-air Bath x 2, Private bath x 2

Hot Spring Composition TableHot Spring Analysis Report

Spring Quality Sodium-Chloride Springs(Hypotonic, Neutral, High temperature Springs)
Color of hot spring Clear and colorlessClear and colorless
Scent of hot spring Odorless
Dissolved substances 1,421 mg/kg(Sum of components (1) + (2) + (3), excluding gaseous substances)
Temperature of spring 76.9℃ (Outside was 26.8℃ at time of survey)
pH 7.1(Neutral)
Yield About 100 liters per minute

Amount of hot spring use per person (yield / bath capacity):About 3.3 liters/person(maximum capacity of 30 people)
※The requirements to satisfy kakenagashi (flowing directly from the source) and amount of hot spring required for bathtub management are more than 1 liter/minute per person who enters the bathhouse (cited from "Gensen-Yuyado").

Hot Spring Composition (Amount contained in 1 kg of spring)

Cation Graphs
①Cation mg mval mval%
Sodium Ion (Na+) 426 18.53 89.78
Potassium Ion (K+) 58.70 1.50 7.27
Lithium Ion (Li+) 2.20 0.32 1.55
Calcium Ion (Ca2+) 4.00 0.20 0.97
Magnesium Ion (Mg2+) 0.60 0.05 0.24
Aluminum Ion (Al3+) 0.30 0.03 0.15
Ferrous Ion (Fe2+) 0.20 0.01 0.05
Cations Total(1) 492 20.64 100.00
Anion Graphs
②Anion mg mval mval%
Chloride Ion (Cl-) 613 17.29 87.32
Sulfate Ion (SO42-) 105 2.19 11.06
Bicarbonate Ion (HCO3-) 12.2 0.20 1.01
Nitrate Ion (NO3-) 1.9 0.03 0.15
Bromide Ion (Br-) 1.8 0.02 0.10
Fluoride Ion (F-) 1.1 0.06 0.30
Thiosulfate Ion (S2O32-) 0.6 0.01 0.05
Nitrate Ion (NO3-) 0.2 0.00 0.00
Anion Total(2) 735.8 19.8 100.00
③Undissociated Components mg mmol
Metasilicic Acid (H2SiO3) 157 0.56
Metaboric Acid (HBO2) 37.1 0.24
Undissociated Components Total(3) 194.1 0.80
④Dissolved Gas Components mg mmol
Free Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 3.10 0.00
Free Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 0.00 0.00
Dissolved Gas Components Total(4) 3.10 0.00
Other Trace Components
Cadmium less than 0.001 mg/kg, Total arsenic less than 0.006 mg/kg, Total mercury less than 0.0005 mg/kg, Lead ion less than 0.01 mg/kg, Copper ion less than 0.05 mg/kg, Fluoride ion less than 0.05 mg/kg

are the components related to the "spring quality" and the components that qualify conditions for "hot spring" and "therapeutic hot spring".

Indications by Spring Quality for Bathing (Revised on July 1, 2014)

Cuts, Peripheral circulatory disturbance, Sensitivity to cold, Depression, Dry skin

General Indications for Bathing (Revised on July 1, 2014)

Chronic pain or stiffness of muscles or joints (chronic phase of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lower back pain, neuralgia, frozen shoulder, bruises, sprains, etc.),
muscle stiffness by motor paralysis, sensitivity to cold, peripheral circulatory disturbance,
gastrointestinal hypofunction (slow digestion, intestinal gas formation, etc.),
mild hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance (diabetes), mild hypercholesterolemia,
mild asthma or emphysema, pains of hemorrhoidals, autonomic instability,
various symptoms from stress (sleep disorders, depression, etc.),
restorative phase from illness, recovery from fatigue, health promotions

Contraindications by Spring Quality for Bathing (Revised on July 1, 2014)


General Contraindications for Bathing (Revised on July 1, 2014)

Active stage of diseases (especially when fever is accompanied), active tuberculosis,
advanced malignant tumor, or the case of significant debility involving severe anemia,
severe cardiac or lung diseases involving suffocation feelings with a little movement,
severe kidney disease involving edema, gastrointestinal bleeding,
when there is visible bleeding, acute exacerbation stage of chronic diseases, etc.

Indications by Spring Quality for Drinking

Not drinkable

Date of Analysis (The above hot spring composition table is cited from the survey data of the following institution)

September 26, 2013 (Oita Pharmaceutical Association)

  • ※Indications and contraindications for hot springs are in accordance with "Standard Methods of Analysis for Mineral Springs" revised on July 1, 2014.
  • ※Data was provided by the ryokan.

20 qualifications for "hot spring" and 8 qualifications for "therapeutic hot spring"

Conditions/Components (contained amount in 1kg)
※If even one of the conditions is cleared, it is a "hot spring" or "therapeutic hot spring"
A【Hot Springs Act】
Conditions of the "hot spring"
B【The Guideline for analysis of Kosen】
Conditions of the "therapeutic hot spring"
1 Temperature (when collected from source) 25℃ or more
2 Dissolved substances (excluding gaseous) total amount over 1,000mg
3 Free carbon dioxide (CO2) over 250mg over 1000mg (Carbon dioxide springs)
4 Lithium Ion (Li+) over 1mg
5 Strontium Ion (Sr2+) over 10mg
6 Barium Ion (Ba2+) over 5mg
7 Total Ferrous Ion[Fe2+(Iron(Ⅱ) Ferro ion)+Fe3+(Iron(Ⅲ) Ferri ion)] over 10mg over 20mg (Iron containing springs)
8 First Manganese Ion (Mn2+) over 10mg
9 Hydrogen Ion (H+) over 1mg over 1mg (Acid springs)
10 Bromine Ion (Br-) over 5mg
11 Iodine Ion (I-) over 1mg over 10mg (Iodine containing Springs)
12 Fluoride Ion (F-) over 2mg
13 Hydro Arsenate Ion (HAsO42-) over 1.3mg
14 Meta Arsenite (HAsO2) over 1mg
15 Total sulfur (S) [HS-(Hydrogen sulfide ion)+S2O32-(Thiosulfate Ion)+H2S(Free hydrogen sulfide)] over 1mg over 2mg (Sulfur Springs)
16 Metaboric acid (HBO2) over 5mg
17 Metasilicic acid (H2SiO3) over 50mg
18 Bicarbonate soda (NaHCO3) over 340mg
19 Radon (Rn) over 20 (unit: ten ppb curie)
20×10-10over Ci(curie)
over 20(ten ppb curie)
=74Bq(becquerel)/over 5.5 mache
over 30 nanocurie(Radioactive springs)
30×10-10over Ci(curie)
over 30(ten ppb curie)
=111Bq(becquerel)/over 8.25 mache
20 Radium salt (as Ra) 10-8mg over
over 1/100 million mg
Number of conditions cleared this "hot spring" or "therapeutic hot spring" is: 5 2
Total 7 Points

※Conditions called "hot spring" in Japan are expressed in terms of number of points.

Hot Spring Legends and More

Traditionally documented efficacies

Muscle relaxing, Muscle disease

Historical figures who bathed in this hot spring

The baths opened in 958, and since the hot spring area was opened in 1658, it has been visited by numerous figures

Celebrities who bathed in this hot spring

Numerous cultural and celebrity visitors, not mentioned due to private use

Hot Spring (Onsen) Report

Yamaai-no-Yado KIYASUYA uses two types of spring sources. The main source is a "Sodium-Chloride Spring" (temperature 76.9°C) drawn from Sujiyu Onsen Supply Co. It is a hot spring containing salt, which has a bactericidal effect, and bathing in it can reduce Cuts and other skin surface problems. So it is called "Hot spring for Cuts". When you soak in a salty hot spring, the salty water covers your body like a pack. This pack blocks the sweat glands (small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweat), so the body temperature drops slowly after bathing, and the body feels warm for a long time. For this reason, Chloride Springs are also called "Hot spring for warmth". It may help improve Peripheral circulatory disturbance and Sensitivity to cold.
Additionally, this salt pack also reduces Skin dryness after the bath.
Chloride Spring is also said to have a Relaxing effect due to its unique properties. It is also said to be effective for mental problems such as Depression.
To sum up, the unique indications of the Chloride Spring are Cuts, Peripheral circulatory disturbance, Sensitivity to cold, Depression, and Dry skin.
The components that do not appear in the name of the spring are also noteworthy. The spring contains 157 mg of Metasilicic acid per kilogram of spring water, more than three times the standard value (50 mg/kg). It is a so-called Natural moisturizing component, and is sometimes used as some skin lotion products. After bathing in hot spring water, it helps to keep the skin moisturized. The presence of metasilicic acid is one of the conditions for being called "Hot spring for beauty". Metaboric acid also contains 37.1 mg, which is more than seven times the standard value (5 mg). Due to its Skin cleansing effects, it is thought to be effective in treating acne and other skin surface problems. This component is also used in some eye drops. Lithium ions are also worth noting. It has cleared the "Hot spring" standard value of 1 mg/kg or more. Said to have an Antidepressant effect. The other source is supplied by the Sujiyu Bunto Association, and is used mainly in the men's and women's large public baths, where it is mixed with the above source. The quality of the spring is "Simple Hot Spring" (spring temperature 91.5°C) with a pH of 7.0 (Neutral). It is said to be a gentle spring with low irritation. Due to the quality of the spring, which is safe for everyone from children to the elderly, it is also called "Hot spring for family". The large public baths for men and women are supplied with sodium chloride spring water and simple hot spring water at a ratio of approximately 7:3. The spring water (Simple Hot Spring) supplied by the Sujiyu Bunto Association is a "Artificial Hot Springs", which is a type of hot spring that is created by applying water from a mountain stream to hot spring steam that has gushed out from the ground and is full of hot spring components. This is the same system as that used in the hot springs gushing out of Owakudani in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture.
The two sources of hot spring water used here total approximately 100 liters per minute, and the water is free-flowing. Free-flowing hot-spring water means that the hot spring water is poured into the baths and any overflow is discarded as it is. The maximum capacity of this inn is 30 people, so the amount of hot spring water used per person is calculated to be about 3.3 liters/minute. As a rule of thumb, 1 liter/minute per person is considered sufficient for hygienic use of hot spring water without circulation, which means that the inn has more than three times that amount of hot spring water. The temperature of the hot spring is controlled by adjusting the volume of hot water poured into the bathtub by temperature. In the summer, well water is sometimes added to the water because of the high temperature of the spring, but the inn tries to make the water 100% from the source as much as possible. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this inn shows us what is the wonders of hot springs and what is the use of hot water with special care.

Open-air bath for women Private Open-air Bath "Fuku-no-Yu"
Open-air bath for women Private Open-air Bath Fuku-no-Yu
Day visitors can also use the large public baths and open-air baths for men and women. This bath is a mixture of the main "Sodium-Chloride Spring" and high-temperature "Weak Alkaline Simple Spring" to adjust the temperature. Outside the main building area where the guest rooms are located, through the parking area, and across a small road is a bathhouse. Two private open-air baths are located in it. Its quiet space is attractive. For overnight guests only.
Family Bath "Momiji" 10 tatami mats type "Kaze" guest room open-air bath ("Akaishi-buro" red stone bath)
家族風呂「もみじ」 10 tatami mats type Kaze guest room open-air bath (Akaishi-buro red stone bath)
Newly built in October 2017, an indoor family bath. The hinoki (Japanese cypress) bathtub has a comfortable feel. There is also a stone bath called "Tsukushi". The hinoki bath is called "Momiji". For overnight guests only. The bathtub is large enough for two adults to enjoy a relaxing soak together. The bathtub is covered with a roof, so it is worry-free even when it is raining. For overnight guests only.

Facility Report

Sujiyu Onsen is located in Aso-Kujyu National Park, surrounded by Mount Waita-san to the northwest, Mount Hitome-yama to the southwest, and the Kuju Mountain Range to the southeast.
The altitude is 1,000 meters, making it very pleasant in summer.
Also, the fresh greenery in spring, the autumn leaves in fall, and of course, the snowy landscape in winter will allow you to experience nature in all four seasons.
There are about 20 inns in Sujiyu Onsen, but "Yamaai-no-Yado KIYASUYA" is located in a quiet area a little far from the center of the hot spring resort area.
The approximately 2,000 tsubo (1.6 acres) site is covered by a wooded area, and is lined with 10 detached guest rooms, all built on a single-story structure.
All guest rooms are equipped with an open-air bath, and there are also large public baths for men and women, an open-air bath, two private open-air baths, and two family baths, offering a luxurious lineup of baths. Moreover, all of them are 100% free-flowing hot spring water.
The cuisine is uniquely KIYASUYA's, surrounded by deep green mountains and clear rivers.
The cuisine is based on locally produced and consumed foods, such as Yamame (landlocked masu salmon) and wild vegetables, without using anything from the sea.
The menu is full of flavor, highlighting the natural ingredients of each season.
Travel Journal

Rates Data

1 night/2 meals fee From 16,500 yen (without tax)
1 night/Breakfast fee No settings
Stay without meals No settings
Staying alone From 43,500 yen
Private bath fee
when overnight stay
Day stay Large public baths and open-air baths for men and women
Private bath
for day-stay
Only for overnight guests

Facility Data

Establishment Established in 1967 / Relocated in 2006
Check-In 3:00 p.m.
Check-Out 10:00 a.m.
Location and Environment Mountain
Number of Rooms All 10 rooms
10 Japanese-style rooms (10 rooms with open-air bath and toilet)
Number of People
30 persons
Parking Area Available for 10 cars
Internet Wi-Fi available in all buildings
Barrier Free
Toilet with washer Equipped

Transportation Access

By train JR Bungo Nakamura Station - 45 minutes by bus - "Sujiyu Onsen" stop
By bus
By car (From Oita/Fukuoka) 30 min. from Kokonoe IC on Oita Expressway
(From Kumamoto) 2 hours by Yamanami Highway, etc.
Address Oita Prefecture/Sujiyu Onsen/Yamaai-no-Yado KIYASUYA
527 Onsen, Kokonoe-machi Sujiyu, Kusu-gun, Oita 879-4912, JAPAN Phone:+81-973-79-3341

Google MAP

Jun 19, 2023


Mayu Araki

The facilities, the room, the bath... Everything was amazing and I felt like I was in a work of art. It was a waste to get out of the hot spring when the heat retention effect is enough to make you feel warm and fuzzy!

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